Sponsorship in the New Post COVID World
June 15, 2022, 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
This online workshop session is designed to look at what Covid has presented us for the future in regard to sponsorship. Covid has turned the event planning business upside down. The shift from face-to-face meetings in 2019 to 100% virtual in 2020 and then a year of confusion in 2021 (will it be live in person or virtual or both) and now some light at the end of the tunnel.
With such disruption to the sector overall… how has this affected your sponsorship opportunities? What will that future look like? Can you generate more revenue or less revenue through sponsorship? What has changed? What has stayed the same? What do we need to exploit and what do we need to be cautious about?
During the session we will look at what has changed, why it has changed, what will stay and what will go. We will review the new blueprint for sponsorship success post Covid (and during the transition to “post”).
You can look forward to having the following Seven Key Steps for Success / Take Aways from this session:
Understanding that your historical way of doing sponsorship will need to change and why!
You will see why you will need to bury your “but we have always done it that way” approach and embrace change to be financially successful with sponsorship
Appreciate the power of digital integration even in a face-to-face world and how technology will impact your success
Comprehend the difference between “Cost Recovery Sponsorship” and “Profitable Sponsorship”
Be able to build out activation (both onsite and virtual / digital) that will deliver results for your sponsors
6. Knowledge that there is an art and science to the post Covid sponsorship game, and it is more than counting eyeballs and numbers or begging for support
7. A delve into the new world of sponsorship – the relationship versus the transaction and how to play the long game
Come with an open mind. Come with your questions and be ready to be engaged for discussion and insights so you can be prepared for the future world of sponsorship at your events, conferences, meetings and more!
Session Speaker

Brent Barootes, President and CEO, Partnership Group - Sponsorship Specialists®
Brent Barootes is President and CEO of the Partnership Group – Sponsorship Specialists®, a national sponsorship marketing consulting firm assisting conferences, meetings, conventions, special events, member associations, municipalities, charities, non-profits, festivals and events to generate new monies for their organizations, clients, programs and events. Brent is an industry leader in training, mentoring and advisory services in revenue generation and sponsorship.
In the past 30+ years Brent has worked directly or indirectly with dozens of large, medium and small conferences, special events and meetings as well as Canadian brands, corporations and businesses to develop, audit, enhance, design, and build effective sponsorship marketing and revenue programs. Brent is an innovator in the sponsorship marketing industry in Canada.
Brent annually delivers over 30 keynote and workshop session across Canada including recently with such organizations as Festivals and Events Ontario Conference, Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference, Alberta Urban Municipalities Conference, The Salvation Army Fund Development Day, The Mustard Seed Annual Planning Retreat, Alberta Association for Agricultural Societies annual Conference, Sport Tourism Canada, Conference Board of Canada, BC Parks and Recreation Association, Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators Saskatchewan Urban Municipality Association and others.
Brent is also the author of Amazon.ca’s #1 Best seller in the Nonprofit Marketing and Communications category: Reality Check – Straight Talk about Sponsorship Marketing. Brent is a regular speaker at conferences and conventions as well as a TEDx presenter on “Busting the Work-Life Balance Myth”.
Brent lives with his wife and their 16-year-old daughter in Nanaimo BC.
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